• "I'll Never See It" - winner of two Finalist awards in the 2024 Independent Author Network BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARDS

    In my first creative non-fiction book,
    I share my human truths and personal experiences as I’ve navigated them, survived them, then healed and grown from them. Read about my perspective on trauma, its side effects, and its effects on physical, mental, and emotional health while getting an intimate peek behind the curtain at the functioning of a mind rooted in trauma
    and riddled with fear, anxiety, panic, depression, and shame.

  • Poetry from an Isolated Soul

    A collection of some of my most intimate poems of love, loss, isolation, mental health, hope, and resilience written over the years.

  • My Labor Pains Were Worse Than Yours

    Join me and 32 other amazingly courageous women from different backgrounds as we come together to share our own experiences of pain, perseverance, and encouragement first-hand and in heartwarming detail. We hope that through our stories, you find you are not alone.

    *story by Keeley Brooks:
    ”Lotus in Bloom”

  • Banana Pudding and Other Sticky Situations

    We've all been in sticky situations, whether they were funny, not so funny, embarrassing, scary, or regretful. Through the stories of over 30 courageous women, we can learn wonderful lessons in the oddest predicaments while discovering we are not alone in our struggles.

    *3 stories by Keeley Brooks:
    ”Chaos of Change”
    ”The Wedding”
    ”No Less A Woman”

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